Today is Saturday February 08, 2025
Here is where I list the projects that I'm working on. I need to make sure I keep the list up to date because some times I start work on a project and don't complete it and just leave it hanging. Moving forward I'm going to attempt to keep better track and update this page better.
Wizard Quest
This is the name I gave my fantasy campaign. I often give it a subtitle name, for instance the current version which I am running at the moment is called Champions of Erth. I am running it once a month on the 4th Saturday of the month with a current group of 4 players. I will accept up to 2 more players, because 6 is my limit.
I am currently using the Magic World/BRP rules to run the game with various House Rules thrown in as well. To learn more about the campaign world, click here.
Deadwood Deacon
This is the weird west campaign that I've run off and on for the past few years. I originally ran it using Savage Worlds, but while I like the system, it is very cinematic, and I wanted to run a game that was a little more gritty. So I changed the system to Aces High/BRP. See the similiarity? I'm using the BRP or Basic Role Playing system, which was created by Chaosium to run these two games. It's a skill based system, instead of a level based system and I prefer skill based systems so that's why I'm using it.
You can look at the Deadwood Deacon campaign in two places, the campaign site I created by clicking here or by visiting the Obsidian Portal site, but clicking here.
The Centurian Agency
I've also been planning a modern day 'paranormal' campaign. I'm going to use the DC Universe/Mutants and Masterminds game system for it. It is the best system other than Champions that I've found to run a paranormal game, but takes a whole lot less math than Champions does.
Currently, the only work I've done on it is on the Obsidian Portal site, which you can visit by clicking here. I'll get a site up on Johnprime.com eventually, but it might take a while.
The Star Voyager
So my sci-fi game is called Star Voyager, and is kind of a Traveler/Star Wars/Aliens type game. I have run it off and on but the players in my current group aren't really that interested in science fiction games, so I haven't really run it for a while. I need to get back to work on the site as I've been wanting to redesign it. I had a really cool looking Flash based template that I was converting for the game, but when I lost both my backup and main hard drives, I lost all the work on it.
I need to try and pull the data off the old hard drive soon so that I can finish the work on it. But, to see the non-Flash version of the site, click here.
The Valley of Life
One of the first campaigns I made a website for, the Valley of Life is a post apocolyptic world, based loosely on the Gamma World game published originally by TSR and later by Wizards of the Coast. I was using the GURPS system, published by Steve Jackson games for the rules system. If I were to revisit the campaign world, I would of course update the system to instead use BRP. To visit the campaign site, click here.
Page last modified: 05/04/2023 01:56:46 PM
©2001-2025 John E. Gunter, johnprime.com